Most of us are familiar with the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table. With a modern-day take on this story, you might see some similarities between this well-known king and his team of trusted advisors. When we consider a CEO and the team overseeing various regions or divisions of an organization, it's essential that these members of the senior management team reflect the traits and qualities that the trusted knights of the round table exhibited nearly 1,500 years ago.
Like King Arthur, Executives are seeking a structure that allows for collaboration where each individual expert plays a vital role in providing guidance to the CEO, as well as top-down directives to the broader organizational structure. No one member of the executive team plays a more important role than the other, thus they sit equally amongst each other at the round table. As a cooperative group they share in collective wisdom that creates a well-rounded approach to determining strategy and making decisions. They also share a common vision of the future of the company, just as King Arthur did with his knights and the kingdom they defended. Interestingly, in comparison to our modern work environment, we can see a nod to diversity and inclusivity at King Arthur's round table where knights from different backgrounds came together as equals with different perspectives and experiences to drive innovation and foster a dynamic culture.
Executive skills are generally learned over time. Some of us may have natural tendencies to drive for results or manage multiple high level priorities, but for the majority of us, these are skills learned throughout our career. As a manager or leader, it is important to recognize the skills we possess and those we may still be developing. Understanding your own skills and opportunities will set the stage for you to make decisions regarding the next step in your career. You will be able to communicate how you may contribute and add value to a leadership team, recognize the type of leader who will support your own development, and partner with others to provide diverse perspectives and foster innovation through an exchange of ideas. There is no absolute when it comes to learning development, some of the most remarkable people like King Arthur achieved greatness through partnership.